Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Axis & Allies II: Electric Boogaloo

One of the great things about Twitter is that sometimes you have random conversations you never thought possible. One such this evening happened in between wrangling my seven-week-old boy, discussing Russia and China with Noah Smith of the Noahpinion economics blog, who had a thought that those two resembled the Axis powers of Germany and Japan in World War II. I enjoyed the back-and-forth immensely, and thank Noah for his engagement with the hoi polloi.


  1. if international trade was going to stop a world war then we would have had no WW1.
    Noah got you there.

  2. The world is far more interconnected than it was in 1914. I can see Putin getting desperate enough to want to start a war, but he doesn't have the ordnance to back it up any more. China doesn't need to start a war, they are already going to dominate the century via peaceful means.

  3. I was going to raise the question of what happens if Putin cuts off gas to Europe this winter, but I see that (if Europe plans it right) it may not be that big a deal:


  4. M0nty
    globalsiation was going great guns up until WW1. you might not realise just how big it was back then. of course the rise of the dreadnought had a huge effect thern.

  5. They didn't have nukes back in 1914. It's a far different game nowadays. Noah can't answer the question of why China would start a war.

  6. A few additions to the bottom of the Storify stream, Noah had another go this morning.

  7. wow Nick and Noah . I am envious. Two brainaics
